Who are we?
About Rubbani Group

Chairman Brief (Fazal Rabbani):

Mr. Fazal Rabbani has been a leading figure in the Real-Estate of this region. He has a vast and extensive experience of 25 years in this field with dynamic portfolio not limited to Housing Societies, Highrise Projects, Commercial Development but also Import-Export, Enterprise Development, Vehicles dealing and many other associations in business horizons. Mr. Fazal Rabbani, leading from the front two major Companies including SAIF Associates as CEO and Rabbani Associates as Founder in Chief, has laid foundations of Rabbani Group with vision to maximize the projection and efforts formulated for better network with stakeholders and provision of customized solutions to prospects with affordable and value for money deals.

Mr. Fazal Rabbani has been a leading figure in the Real-Estate of this region. He has a vast and extensive experience of 25 years in this field with dynamic portfolio not limited to Housing Societies, Highrise Projects, Commercial Development but also Import-Export, Enterprise Development, Vehicles dealing and many other associations in business horizons. Mr. Fazal Rabbani, leading from the front two major Companies including SAIF Associates as CEO and Rabbani Associates as Founder in Chief, has laid foundations of Rabbani Group with vision to maximize the projection and efforts formulated for better network with stakeholders and provision of customized solutions to prospects with affordable and value for money deals.




Creative Projects

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